Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Homemade Veggie Wash for Pennies

Apples and pears are easy to wash and scrub with your hands under running water. But what about grapes, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, cherry tomatoes, etc? They are small and it would take way too much time to wash and scrub each individual fruit separately. Many people just run water over them and call it good. But how many hands, boxes, crates, or bugs have touched them from the moment they were picked to the moment you buy them in the grocery store? Yucky to think about huh? There are commercial veggie washes on the market but why waste your money on those when you can make your own veggie wash for pennies at home? The secret ingredient: Vinegar. I use this veggie wash all the time for my grapes and berries and anything else that will take too long to wash individually. The ratio of vinegar to water is:

1 part vinegar to 4 parts water

Soak the grapes or whatever fruit or vegetable it is this mixture for 30 minutes, then drain and rinse. Works great, and it doesn't leave a vinegar taste or smell! The first time I ever used this I was sure it would ruin my strawberries with a nasty vinegar smell, but once I drained and rinsed them, the smell was gone! Try it out. :)

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