Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Pretty & Practical tablecloth

Are you "surviving" the holidays still? They have only begun! A few years ago I asked for a nice tablecloth for Christmas. My husband bought me a tablecloth that I ABSOLUTELY love and I think those of you who have kids who like to spill things but you don't like to scrub out stains will appreciate this tablecloth too. You can get them at 'Bed Bath and Beyond' and I think a few different brands sell them, just look for the stain proof logo where it says liquids bead up. My kids can spill PUNCH and not only does it not stain it, it doesn't even soak into the tablecloth and get it wet. You would think that a tablecloth that doesn't soak up liquid would have to be vinyl and stiff, but these are soft and flowy and made of nice material. I will post a movie below of what happens when I pour water on it. It's awesome (it can be pretty entertaining too!). Notice how easily the tablecloth moves and how I can just soak up the water with a napkin. I could just wipe it up but I wanted you to see the napkin actually pull up the water off the tablecloth. When I'm done the tablecloth is still completely dry. Just another help to "surviving" the holidays. :)
Also, you can wash the tablecloth in the washing machine if you should get food on it. I don't know if you can get these anywhere else, but at least at Bed Bath and Beyond you can use a 20% off coupon and save yourself some money!